发布于 2023-11-12 / 20 阅读

E5 new project

# Run on x86 Linux

## Prepare Your Code

Upload this repository to your machine, then enter into that folder.

## Add Your Accounts

Put your `USER` and `PASSWD` into the `docker-compose.yml` file. Do not add more than 5 accounts on a single machine.

## Build the Docker Image

It can take very long time depending on your network speed, but you only need to perform this step at the first time.

docker-compose build

## Initialize a Docker Container

docker-compose up -d

## Register APPs

You will spend about 5 minutes waiting for its success.

docker exec keep-alive-e5 run register

## Invoke APIs

docker exec keep-alive-e5 run invoke dev

## Add Periodic Tasks

If all the previous steps succeed, schedule a job.

docker exec keep-alive-e5 run add_job

## View APP Configurations

docker exec keep-alive-e5 run view_config

## View Running Logs

docker logs keep-alive-e5